Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Annie Hall Outfits

I watched Annie Hall the other day and fell in love with the movie and her outfits all over again. Annie Hall is infamous for showcasing Diane Keaton in menswear outfits and I really love all of the wardrobe choices for this film. Plus I love aloof Annie, this is a really great movie! Here are some great rarely featured Annie Hall outfits.


 (images= personal screenshots)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Shop Newsletter!

I've been working on getting this newsletter up for a while and I'm quite happy with the results: an aesthetically pleasing newsletter with exclusive promotions and deals! This monthly newsletter will let subscribers know all of the new things going on in shop. Here's a sneak peek:

Sign up for our awesome monthly newsletter here:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fantastic Featurette

I love Etsy,  but sometimes it takes a lot of searching to find something worthwhile. Que the amazing site Addicted 2 Etsy: this fantastic blog takes the hard work out of finding treasures on the handmade/vintage site. Recently I have had the honor of being featured on Addicted 2 Etsy and I couldn't be more excited, not only was I featured, I also found a new awesome blog to follow- horray!!

Here is my feature and a taste of what Addicted 2 Esty has to offer: